Advocates & Advisors

Our advisors and advocates are people selected for their deep understanding of humanizing schooling and passion to fight for what is right. If you are interested in joining our team, please reach out via our contact page.

Ammerah Saidi

Ammerah Saidi graduated from the University of Michigan-Dearborn certified as a secondary teacher with a B.A. in English and psychology. She has taught in Detroit, Michigan, Al Hada, Saudi Arabia at an international school, and currently in Dearborn Public Schools. She earned a master’s degree in school leadership with a focus on urban scholarship. Ammerah is also a loving mother of two boys and a passionate advocate for humanizing, equitable schools for every child.

Samah Saidi

Samah Saidi graduated from Wayne State University with a B.A and master’s degree in speech language pathology and is certified by the American Speech Language Hearing Association. She  has worked for Dearborn Public Schools for over 10 years. Her work has been published in the ASHA Leader and in Our Children magazine, with a focus on excessive screen use and its impact on child development. When she isn’t working, Samah loves to spend time with her 2 daughters and her son.

Cierra Presberry

Cierra Presberry received her PhD in Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education from Michigan State University. Her research interests center issues of equity and include restorative justice, urban education, and supporting Black students and students with disabilities. She formerly worked as a special education teacher in Detroit, Michigan and is the proud mother of Tommy Jr.

Nabintou Doumbia

Nabintou Doumbia splits her time between Washington, DC as a law student and Detroit as a community organizer. Raised in her predominately West African-immigrant community, she is emboldened by the call to increase accessibility to the resources young people need to be successful. She organizes with the Muslim American Society; the Islamic Community of As Salaam and she is the co-founder of the Sisterhood of Yere Lon. Inspired by the Madinka philosophy of “Knowledge of Self”, Yerr Lon works to foster a strong sense of identity, spirituality and community for young, West-African Muslim women.


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